Oreo Cookie Cake With Cake Mix Recipes. Oreo Cake Popsthis delicious house. sprinkles, oreos, cream cheese, candy melts. Chocolate Cake with Cookies and Cream Filling ( OREO Cake Recipe)Close To Home. butter, cream cheese, chocolate cake mix, chocolate pudding, light corn.
Bahan Membuat Oreo Cheese Cake Gampil!
- 2 bungkus Oreo original.
- 500 ml Susu Diamond Full cream (bisa diganti merk apapun yaa).
- 1/3 box Prochiz Gold Cheddar (bisa diganti merk lain juga).
- 2 sdm Susu kental manis vanilla.
- 3 sdm Maizena.
Langkah Memasak Oreo Cheese Cake Gampil!
- Siapkan semua bahan, pisahkan biskuit oreo dan isinya, lalu hancurkan biskuit oreonya, seberapa halusnya tergantung selera yaa.
- Masukan isi oreo, susu, larutkan skm dengan sedikit air dan parut keju, masak harus dengan api kecil yaaa dan harus diaduk terus jangan sampai fla mengembang banyak nanti rasa susu ga enak, kalau udah mulai panas masukan maizena yg sudah dilarutkan dengan air, aduk terus sampai agak mengental, lalu matikan api.
- Tuang fla putih, lalu scruch oreo, ulangi sampai wadahnya penuh, kalau sudah tunggu sampai adem baru masukan ke lemari es 2-3 jam baru enak disantap! 🤤🤤🤤.
The cake turned out good, though I skipped putting chocolate ganache anymore but instead put the crushed oreos on top and sides of the cake. A No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust! Cream cheese: I suggest letting the cream cheese soften to room temperature before mixing up the cheesecake filling so that it comes out much smoother. I just made the cake for my son's birthday today. A wide variety of oreo cheese cake options are available to you, such as flavor, packaging, and type.
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