No one can resist a slice of this No Bake Oreo Cheesecake - it's the ultimate summer dessert! Flatten bag to remove excess air, then seal bag. Hope you like this Oreo Cheesecake recipe, it's a real show stopper to impress a crowd with.
Bahan Membuat Cheese cake oreo no ribet
- 2 bungkus oreo (pisahkan creamnya lalu haluskan biskuitnya).
- 3 sct SKM putih.
- 1 sct susu dencow putih diseduh dengan air hangat segelas besar).
- 2 bks kara kecil.
- 6 sdm gula pasir (manisnya sesuai selara ya bun).
- 1/2 blok keju parut.
- 4 sdm maizena (larutkan dengan air secukupnya).
- Toping (sesuai selera ya bun, klo sya ngg pake toping) 😁.
- Keju parut/meises/taburan biskuit oreo.
Langkah Memasak Cheese cake oreo no ribet
- Masukkan susu dancow yg sudah dicairkan, gula, skm, santan, keju parut aduk hingga mendidih (airnya ditakar sendiri ya bun soalnya lupa nakar) 😇.
- Lalu masukkan larutan maizena, nertahap ya sambil diaduk cepat biar ngg menggumpal, kalau sudah mendidih adonan ngg kental ngg encer matikan api, anggat panci.
- Dinginkan adonan dgn suhu ruang lalu tata di cup timpa dgn taburan oreo lalu timpa lagi dengan cheese cake bisa diulang sampai berapa slice ya bun..
- Beri toping sesuai selera klo sya ngg pake toping, lalu masukkan kedalam frezeer. Karna lebih enak aja rasanya klo dimakan dingin. Mudahkan bun selamat mencoba ya 😇.
These Oreo Cheesecake Bites are creamy and smooth mini cheesecakes with Oreo crust at the bottom. I've included some easy tips for you to make the best bite-size Oreo cheesecake cupcakes. A perfect dessert at any party! Upgrade your standard cheesecake with this Oreo Cheesecake recipe from Cheesecake is our number one, and Oreos are our favorite cookie, so you can only imagine how deadly this combination is for us.
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