Cheesecake Factory Avocado Egg Rolls Copycat Recipe so you can enjoy these crunchy, delicious, creamy and tasty egg rolls at home any time you want, without the restaurant. Avocado Cheesecake - what makes this cheesecake so unique? If you are wanting a different flavor of cheesecake, this is one you must try.
Bahan Membuat Avocado Cheese Cake #keto #debm
- 2 buah Alpukat mentega matang.
- 6 sdm Cream cheese (me: merk Calf, halal).
- 5 sdm Plain Yoghurt (me: merk Yahuud, bisa juga diganti kefir).
- 1 sdt bubuk coklat unsweetened.
- 2,5 scht diabetasol.
- 1/2 pack segitiga Santan siap pakai (me: merk Sasa).
- 150 gr keju cheddar parut (me: Kraft).
Langkah Memasak Avocado Cheese Cake #keto #debm
- Hancurkan alpukat dengan garpu dalam mangkok besar (tidak sehalus blender ya karena saya suka yg masih ada tekstur alpukatnya).
- Campur dengan diabetasol 1,5 sachet, santan siap pakai, creamcheese 3 sdm, plain yoghurt/ kefir 3 sdm, Kadar keasaman boleh diatur sesuai selera ya....
- Pisahkan sedikit adonan alpukat dalam wadah terpisah, untuk dicampur dengan 1 sdt coklat bubuk sugar free, aduk sampai warnanya berubah coklat.
- Dalam mangkok kecil, campur sisa cream cheese + yoghurt + santan + diabetasol sebagai lapisan putih.
- Tuangkan berlapis di wadah kaca/ plastik, terakhir taburi keju cheddar parut diatasnya.
- Masukkan kulkas kurleb 1 jam, siap disantap. Rasanya dingin-dingin enyaaaakk 😚.
- Sebaiknya dihabiskan kurang dari 6 jam ya, karena alpukat mudah sekali teroksidasi sehingga bisa muncul rasa sedikit pahit..
Light Chocolate Avocado Bread Pudding with Maple Rum Sauce Recipe. Avocado Cheesecake sounds weird, maybe even wrong, but it's surprisingly amazing. For those of you rolling your eyes, I promise you that this isn't your ordinary healthy, trying. You might be asking yourself, "Avocado in cheesecake?" The answer is a resounding "yes." The unexpected ingredient makes this classic dessert creamier and—because of. Classic New York-style cheesecake gets a fun Let's be honest: We've never met a cheesecake we didn't like.
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