This avocado egg salad takes your classic egg salad recipe and adds healthy avocado for a creamy, nutritious and tasty new recipe you're sure to love. Avocado Chicken Salad, Avocado Tuna Salad or Avocado Egg Salad you'll find them all. Plus printable recipe card to hang on your fridge or file in your recipe folder.
Bahan Membuat Avocado Salad
- 2 bh alpukat.
- 1 bh timun.
- 1 bh tomat.
- 1/2 bh bawang bombay.
- 1 saset mayonaise thousand island.
- 2 sdm madu.
- 2 sdm keju parut.
- 1 sdm air lemon.
- 1/2 sdm margarin.
- Secukupnya lada bubuk dan parsley kering (optional).
Langkah Memasak Avocado Salad
- Potong dadu alpukat, timun dan tomat.
- Iris bawang bombay, tumis dengan margarin hingga harum. Masukan kedalam potongan buah.
- Tambahkan keju, mayonaise thousand island (aku pake merk maestro), air lemon dan madu. Aduk rata.
- Taburi dengan lada bubuk dan parsley kering, masukkan kedalam kulkas sblm dikonsumsi agar lebih segar.
Avocado salads are quick and easy to make and will keep you full for longer. This vegan salad is made with cannellini beans, tomatoes and fresh herbs. Great for lunch or a light supper. I'm glad a friend gave me the recipe. Avocado Fruit Salad Recipe photo by Taste of Home.
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