They are both also excellent liquid sources of fats, especially saturated fats. I personally prefer to use coconut milk for two reasons — the flavor it adds and the fact that it contains medium chain. Ice cream should look like soft serve at this point.
Bahan Membuat Ice cream avocado cheese keto
- 1 L whipping cream.
- 1 sdm air perasan lemon.
- 1 sdt vanilla essence.
- 1 sdt lakanto.
- 100 gr cheddar cheese (parut halus).
- 1 biji kuning telur.
- Avocado matang hancurkan pakai sendok aja.
Langkah Memasak Ice cream avocado cheese keto
- Campur semua bahan menjadi satu kemudian shakker selama 5 menit, boleh masuk kedalam jar atau toples yg bisa ditutup rapat biar pas shakker dia gak tumpah tumpah hehehe. Masukan kedalam freezer kurang lebih 3 jam....
- Setelah itu jadii, boleh di hidangkan dengan pancake coconut keto, yummy.
It is the ultimate easy sweet treat for kids and adults. Why is this ice cream good. This ice cream recipe is easy and calls for healthy and nutritious ingredients only. It is kid friendly but also a perfect treat for adults. The Best Low Carb Ice Cream Recipe - and it couldn't be easier!
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